2022 ERP Disaster Program

2022 ERP Disaster Program

A couple weeks ago, USDA announced a final deadline for sign up  for the ’22 ERP disaster program. That deadline is August 14, 2024! This deadline will apply mostly to Track 2 applications. We have provided a supplemental 1-pager which might be used to simplify...
2023 Interest Waived on Premiums

2023 Interest Waived on Premiums

In accordance with RMA Managers Bulletin MGR-23-004, Farmers Mutual Hail will defer interest charges on MPCI and private product premiums on policies with premium billing dates between July 1, 2023, and September 30, 2023. Interest will be waived to the earliest of an...
Post-Application Coverage Endorsement

Post-Application Coverage Endorsement

The PACE program provides insurance for conservation-minded corn farmers who split-apply nitrogen fertilizer. The Post-Application Coverage Endorsement is the latest result of the RMA’s recent efforts to reward conservation and sustainable farming among American...